Study in France after the baccalaureate

France offers 18,200 high school graduates from French high schools abroad the opportunity to enhance an intercultural experience in one of the best higher education systems in the world. 70 % of these high school students apply for admission to French higher education, including 62 % through Parcoursup. The excellent success rate for the French baccalaureate for students in the AEFE network, 97.3 % including 76 % with a mention, is an asset for the realization of their study project.

Access to the Spanish University

Access to Spanish higher education is conditional on passing the Evaluación del Bachillerato para el Acceso a la Universidad (EBAU) exam. As part of the harmonization of European higher education curricula, Spain has organized 3 levels in its university curriculum: Grado, Masters and Doctorate. However, a range of ECTS numbers opening up a differential margin, these 3 stages do not correspond to the usual division of studies in other European countries: the Grado diploma is obtained with 240 ECTS (4 years), while 180 ECTS ( 3 years) allow you to obtain a license elsewhere. Some Grados in medical disciplines extend up to 5 years, and polytechnic degrees extend up to 6 years.

Source: French Embassy in Spain website

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