Promoting Sustainable Development at the Lycée Français International de Malaga

The Lycée Français International de Malaga is firmly committed to promoting sustainable development within its establishment. Aware of the environmental and social challenges facing our planet, we are determined to play an active role in achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Through a series of innovative and educational initiatives, our school strives to raise awareness, educate and take action for a more sustainable future.

Integration of the SDGs into the Educational Program

At the heart of our commitment is the integration of the Sustainable Development Goals into our educational program. We have developed specific modules in our courses to raise our students' awareness of sustainable development issues and encourage them to act responsibly. These modules address various aspects such as combating climate change, preserving biodiversity, promoting gender equality and many others, in alignment with the United Nations SDGs.

Awareness and Action Campaigns

We regularly organize awareness and action campaigns to mobilize our school community around sustainable development issues. These campaigns include awareness-raising events, practical workshops, film screenings and lectures led by experts. We also encourage our students to engage in concrete actions such as cleaning campaigns, tree plantings, recycling initiatives and ecological gardening projects.

Local and International Partnerships

As part of our commitment to sustainable development, we actively collaborate with local and international partners. We have partnered with environmental organizations, social enterprises and other schools around the world to exchange best practices, share resources and develop joint projects. These partnerships strengthen our impact and promote a collaborative approach to meeting sustainable development challenges.

Reduction of the school's ecological footprint

As an educational institution, we strive to reduce our own ecological footprint. We have implemented initiatives aimed at reducing energy consumption, minimizing waste, promoting sustainable food and promoting soft mobility. We are also investing in green infrastructure such as solar installations, educational gardens and rainwater harvesting systems to make our campus more sustainable.

At the Lycée Français International de Malaga, we are convinced that education plays an essential role in promoting sustainable development. By integrating the Sustainable Development Goals into our educational program, organizing awareness and action campaigns, developing partnerships and reducing our ecological footprint, we actively contribute to achieving the global agenda for a more sustainable future . We remain committed to inspiring and empowering future generations to become agents of change for a better world.

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 Find information regarding pre-registrations and registrations for the 2024-2025 school year

