High school news

Management Fees

The Lycée Français International de Málaga, an institution proud of its engaged community, offers a unique opportunity to parents wishing to actively participate in their children's school life. Managed by the Management Committee of the Association for the Development of the French International School (ADLFIM), the high school sets up special commissions aimed at integrating parents into crucial decision-making processes.

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Open Day

We are pleased to invite you to our Open Days at the Lycée Français International de Malaga on February 23, 2024.

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CINEPHILO – 9th edition

Mr. Sébastien Courtois, professor of philosophy at our establishment, organizes and presents CINEPHILO – 9th edition this year. Three screenings will take place

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Discover the school


 Find information regarding pre-registrations and registrations for the 2024-2025 school year

