our teaching team

The nursery school welcomes children from 3 years old, it isa single cycle of education (nursery, middle and senior). The learning that children achieve there is decisive, particularly in terms of language, a skill that is crucial for the subsequent success of their school careers.
The objectives of training in kindergarten
The training provided in nursery school promotes the awakening of children's personalities, stimulates their language, sensory, motor, cognitive and social development, develops self-esteem and that of others and contributes to their emotional development. This training focuses on developing in each child the desire and pleasure of learning in order to allow them, gradually, to become a student.
It adapts to the needs and specificities of all young students, including those with disabilities, to support their schooling. Kindergarten is the first step in students' journey to master basic skills - reading, writing, counting and respecting others - at the end of elementary school.
The teaching cycle
Respecting the biological rhythms of young children is essential, in order to facilitate early learning.
Throughout early childhood, affects, attachment, and socialization are built, the foundations for acquiring fundamental social skills. By reinforcing consideration of the emotional dimension of relationships, nursery school gives children the confidence they need to approach the rest of their schooling with serenity.
Preschool is a school that adapts to young children and organizes specific learning methods: learning through playing, thinking, solving problems, practicing, remembering and memorizing.
It is a school where children will learn together and live together: understand the function of the school, build themselves as a unique person within a group. It encourages each child to have confidence in their own power to act and think, in their ability to learn and succeed.
The teaching program
It is organized into five learning areas:
- Mobilizing language in all its dimensions
- Act, express yourself, understand through physical activity
- Act, express, understand through artistic activities
- Acquire the first mathematical tools
- explore the world
The program establishes a general definition for each area of learning. It states the objectives targeted and gives educational indications likely to provide benchmarks for organizing the progression of learning.
From the small section, our students are immersed in a linguistic bath in French. Our teachers, specialists in language teaching, welcome students in French but are able to adapt their teaching to the languages spoken by their students.
Each week, all the pupils of the nursery school also benefit from a teaching of 4 hours in Spanish and 2 hours in English.
Skills assessments are done at the pace of student learning, always valuing what everyone can do. Twice a year, in January and June, the learning logbook is presented to families. Below is an example of this notebook.
The nursery school library and its specific layout help students build knowledge around writing. Even at a very young age, children can see and choose books that interest them. All types of documents can be found there: albums, documentaries, magazines, etc.
Students have the opportunity to borrow a book to read at home with their parents. Some books (more and more) are read aloud by an adult and children can listen to the story through a QR code stuck on the cover. This QR code makes it possible to accompany families who do not master the language of the chosen album and to enjoy a privileged moment between parent and child while developing reading skills in the youngest.
In addition, bringing home selected books is a good way to help the student develop a positive relationship with books and to inspire them to read. The library also helps the child to better target his reading tastes.
The library is also a resource space for the school, a cultural place, a crossroads for meetings, exhibitions...