For the 7th year again, the LFIM is organizing the International Photography Competition open to all middle school/high school students from French high schools abroad.

17th edition of the International Photography Competition

Organized by the Lycée Français International de Malaga

The theme is :

My Window, My World

Each window tells a unique story about the world around you.

We invite you to share the beauty, diversity and emotion that the unique view from your window offers. Whether it is a grandiose landscape, an urban scene, a moment of everyday life or an unusual detail.

Important Note: It is essential to integrate your window frame into your image, whether partial or full.


Article 1– This competition is open to all middle and high school students enrolled in a French high school abroad.

Article 2– Participation in the competition is free.

Section 3– Only one color or black and white photo per participant is accepted.

Section 4  Computer graphics transformations and AI images are strictly prohibited, except for classic adjustments such as brightness, contrast, saturation, white balance or cropping.

Article 5– The work must be created exclusively by the student.

Article  6– Only digital photos in JPEG format with dimensions of at least 2500 pixels on the largest side and a resolution of 200 dpi will be accepted.

Article 7IMPORTANT : Your digital photo must be attached with the registration form linked to the address:

Article 8– A confirmation of sending will be sent to the author.  

Article 9– The closing date for sending is set at April 29, 2025.

Article 10– The jury has the final say in choosing the photos selected, based on technical or ethical criteria:

— Respect for the theme.

— Composition of the photograph.

— Visual impact.

— Technical quality.

— Propaganda documents or documents that disseminate hateful messages or any other form of representation that may undermine dignity will be refused.

Article 11- The jury's decisions are final.

Article 12— The results will be published on May 29, 2025.

Article 13— After the results are published, the prizes will be sent to the relevant establishments for presentation to the winners, as well as a selection of the 10 best photographs..

Article 14— Participation in the Competition implies knowledge and acceptance of these rules. The Competition Management reserves the right to resolve without appeal any situation not provided for in these rules.



The jury will be made up of photography professionals, teachers, parents of students and members of the administration.


Four prizes will be awarded:

1º Prize LFI Malaga –   600 Euros.

2nd Prize  –   400 euros.

3rd Prize  –   200 Euros.

4º Prize  –   100 euros.



 – The photographic works of the winners will be unveiled and presented in the form of an exhibition at the Lycée Français International de Malaga, the week of June 17-21 2025.  

 – The winning photos will also be published on the school’s website:


Good luck to all participants!

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 Find information regarding pre-registrations and registrations for the 2024-2025 school year.


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