Peri and extracurricular activities regulations: year 2022-2023

At the start of the 2022 school year, the Lycée Français International de Málaga is setting up a new organization for extracurricular and extracurricular activities.

14th edition of International Photography Competition

The theme is: :


Compose and photograph the plastic waste that invades us on a daily basis, to make us aware in a playful way of the negative consequences of this scourge. Let your nature speak with the help of artists like: William AMOR, Steve McPHERSON, Tony CRAGG, Cicia HARTMANN or Giorgio MORANDI.


Section 1— This competition is open to all middle and high school students attending a French high school abroad.

Section 2- The participation on the contest is free.

Section 3— Only one color or black and white photo per participant is accepted.

Section 4— Infographic transformations are strictly prohibited.

Section 5— The work must be created exclusively by the student.

Article 6— Seules seront acceptées les photos numériques au format JPEG  aux dimensions d’au moins 2500 pixels pour le plus grand côté et d’une résolution de 300 dpi.

Section 7 IMPORTANT: Your digital photo must be attached with the registration form provided by our establishment and downloadable at the address:

Article 8— MAIL: l’ensemble des documents (photo + formulaire d’inscription) doit être envoyé  à l’adresse e-mail :                       

Section 9— No confirmation of sending will be returned to the author.

Section 10— The closing date for submission is set at April 19, 2020.

Section 11— The jury is sovereign in the choice of photos selected, on the basis of technical or ethical criteria:

  • Respect of the theme
  • composition of photography
  • Visual impact
  • Technical quality

Propaganda material or material that disseminates hateful messages or any other form of representation that may undermine dignity will be refused.

Section 12- The jury's decisions are final.

Section 13— The results will be published on May 11, 2020.

Section 14— After the results are published, the prizes will be sent to the relevant establishments for presentation to the winners, as well as a selection of the 10 best photographs..

Section 15— Participation in the Competition implies knowledge and acceptance of these rules. The Competition Management reserves the right to resolve without appeal any situation not provided for in these rules.


The jury will be made up of photography professionals, teachers, parents of students and members of the administration.


Four prizes will be awarded:

1º Prize LFI Malaga – a DSLR camera CANON EOS-250D + 18–55mm IS lenses.  

2nd Prize - a camera GOPRO HERO 7 SILVER.

3rd Prize - a camera FUJIFILM INSTAX MINI 90.  

4º Prize - " heart stroke " an art book.



The photographic works of the winners will be unveiled and presented in the form of an exhibition at the Lycée Français International de Malaga, the week of June 15 to 22 2020. 

The winning photos will also be published on the school's website:

Good participation to all!

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 Find information regarding pre-registrations and registrations for the 2024-2025 school year.


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