From February 15 to 17, we received a visit from Mrs. María Navajas, from the “Women and Science” Association. She intervened with our students of CM2, 5e and 2nd.

This association defends the desire to promote and enhance scientific and technical careers among girls and young women, as well as to promote and enhance women in scientific and technical careers.

Here are the topics covered:

  • The place of women in science and the need to make them more visible.
  • The fact that girls choose scientific studies/professions less often than boys (supporting figures).
  • Possible causes of this imbalance include: lack of role models of female scientists and gender stereotypes.
  • The profession of scientist/researcher, particularly in biology.
  • Women scientists in history and in the present having made very great discoveries (other than Marie Curie) and sometimes forgotten.

Our students enjoyed it very much and showed themselves to be participative!

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