Our legal notices

This website is the property of the Lycée Français de Malaga. In accordance with the Intellectual Property Code, any use (representation or reproduction) of all or part of the website is strictly prohibited without the express prior authorization of the establishment.


The non-exhaustive data presented on the Lycée Français de Malaga website is provided for information purposes. The establishment cannot therefore be held responsible for any changes that may occur during the year. Therefore, it is up to you to verify the accuracy of the information directly with our departments or the institutions mentioned.


By browsing our site, you accept the use of cookies. The choice to accept is free. Cookies are pieces of information stored in your browser that allow us to provide you with a better online experience during your visit. There is no commercial operation of the establishment.


The Lycée Français de Malaga declines all responsibility for the websites accessible from its own site. A link to the https://www.lfmalaga.com site can only be created after the express and prior authorization of our Head of Establishment.


You have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning you (art. 34 of the “Informatique et Libertés” law of January 6, 1978). For any request, please contact:

email: contact@lfmalaga.com


The photographs and visuals placed on the Lycée Français de Malaga website belong to the communication department, unless otherwise indicated on the page containing the visual.

Discover the school


 Find information regarding pre-registrations and registrations for the 2024-2025 school year.


The Calendar
