Artistic revelations at the 16th International Photography Competition of the Lycée Français de Malaga 2024

A burst of flash and moments captured for eternity...

The results are finally in! The 16th International Photography Competition of the Lycée Français de Malaga was a true visual spectacle, highlighting exceptional talents from different backgrounds. Among a cohort of 116 participants, representing 14 countries and 18 French establishments around the world, an artistic elite emerges who have captured the very essence of photography.

Here are the winners of this 2024 edition who were able to seduce our jury with their creativity and sensitivity:

First Prize (600 EUROS):
Yuna HOAREAU, 15 years old
Lycée Français Descartes, Rabat – MOROCCO

Second Prize (400 EUROS):
Jamal FILDA, 17 years old
Lycée Français Descartes, Rabat – MOROCCO

Third Prize (200 EUROS):
Sara NAZIH, 17 years old
Lycée Français Descartes, Rabat – MOROCCO

Fourth Prize (100 EUROS):
Salma ROYNEL, 17 years old
Lycée Français Descartes, Rabat – MOROCCO


1st prize

Yuna HOAREAU - Lycée Français Descartes Rabat (MOROCCO)


2nd prize

Jamal FILDA - Lycée Français Descartes Rabat (MOROCCO)


3rd prize

Sara NAZIH - Lycée Français Descartes Rabat (MOROCCO)


4th prize

Salma ROYNEL - Lycée Français Descartes Rabat (MOROCCO)

We would like to warmly congratulate these young talents for their remarkable performance!

But the revelations don't stop there. Among the 6 selected, we also have artists who have captured our imagination:

  • Oscar GIESBACH, 14 years old, Lycée Français de Berlin – GERMANY
  • Ina GONZALEZ LETOURNEUR, 12 years old, LF. Molière-Villanueva Madrid – SPAIN
  • Marius FOURNIER, 17 years old, Lycée Français René Cassin in Oslo – NORWAY
  • Agustin MANSUY, 14 years old, Antoine de Saint Exupéry High School in Santiago – CHILE
  • Lucas NAVAS, 17 years old, Lycée Français International Malaga – SPAIN
  • Leo AMEZIAN, 17 years old, Lycée Français International Malaga – SPAIN

These talents from the four corners of the globe have enriched this competition with their unique vision and their undeniable talent.

However, a special mention is in order: all the first four winning photographs come from the same establishment, the Lycée Descartes in Rabat, Morocco. A feat which deserves to be saluted and which testifies to the artistic wealth of this institution.

We would like to express our gratitude to all the participants who helped make this edition a resounding success. Your works have illuminated our minds and transported us to worlds as diverse as they are captivating.

Congratulations to all the winners, those selected and all those who participated in this artistic adventure! See you next year for new visual and emotional explorations. See you soon !

Congratulations to all !

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